Overview of Ilkeston station and information on accessibility, facilities and additional travel.
Summary of fares from Ilkeston station
Parking charges and conditions of use
Station name: Ilkeston
Station code: ILN
Address: Ilkeston Station, Coronation Road, Ilkeston, DE7 5TF
Staffing level: None
Collection of pre-purchased tickets: Available
Self-service ticket machines: Available
Train operators: East Midlands Railway, Northern Rail
Station managed by: East Midlands Railway
Telephone East Midlands Railway: 0345 712 5678
Customer help point: Available
Staff help: Unavailable
Hearing Loop: Available
Accessible ticket machines: Available
Accessible booking office counter: Unavailable
Ramp for train access: Available
Accessible taxis: Unavailable
Ramp access: Whole station
Wheelchairs: Unavailable
Lounge: Unavailable
Shelters: Both platforms
Seated areas: Both platforms
Refreshments: Junction Cafe (Station Street, nr West car park entrance)
Wi-Fi: Unavailable
Trolleys: Unavailable
Toilets: Unavailable
Baby changing facilities: Unavailable
WebKiosk: Unavailable
Post box: Unavailable
Tourist information: Unavailable
Cash machines: Unavailable
Additional Travel
Cycle storage: West car park (via Station Street or footbridge)
Cycle storage sheltered: Unavailable
Cycle storage CCTV coverage: Available
Bus services: Nearest stop is on Coronation Road, opposite the main (east) car park
Summary of fares
Summary of fares from Ilkeston station